Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I was thinking that we could try to address some of the needs that were brought up today via this blog?  Who knows, it might not work and that's okay.  It's worth a shot :)  If there is another discussion you would like to have/start in this blog please create a new post!

I thought I would list some needs that I heard.  Maybe you can add to the list and maybe you can volunteer to help with something on the list?

1) focus on the how vs. the what

2) model the instruction we expect within a classroom during any/every staff meeting, PLC meeting, department chair meeting, etc.

3) create a survey for teachers to determine areas of need based on department/grade level (this could be one google form that includes initial questions about grade level and department so that we can sort as needed but use one form for everyone?)

4) focus on strengths and weaknesses of departments by:
- having departments (or dept. members) with certain strengths work with other departments who may need to work on those particular ideas/skills
- having administrators and SAC's implement appropriate PD for departments/grade levels

5) develop instructional rounds and teacher labs to help teachers support and learn from each other